How to prevent water damage from the spring thaw.
Trees and flowers are budding, the temperatures are finally above freezing – what’s not to love about spring? Answer: The spring thaw. Melting snow and ice, plus spring rains, can all add up to water damage in your home. But if you follow these tips on how to prevent...
Five reasons couples need life insurance — even if they don’t have kids.
Many couples don’t think about life insurance until they start a family. But children aren’t the only responsibilities that couples take on together. Financial commitments, household responsibilities, and obligations to extended family members also factor into the...
Here’s what information you need to get after a car accident.
When you’ve been in a car accident, it’s important to know what information to get to expedite your insurance claim and what information you should keep to yourself. However, health and safety are always the first priority. So, before you give or get any information,...
How to prepare your business for a winter storm.
Winter storms in the U.S. led to $3.4 billion in policyholder losses in 2023 — and it wasn’t even a bad year. Since winter storms are a fact of life in the Northeast, doing everything you can to prepare for them is just good business. Here’s how to prepare your...
How to handle five common home emergencies.
Most homeowners know how to conduct regular home maintenance, like having the furnace and A/C serviced and cleaning out gutters. But some home repair situations come in the form of stressful emergencies we’re unprepared for. Learning the steps to take when these...
Cybersafety tips: How to spot a scam.
There are so many different kinds of online scams that it may seem impossible to guard against them all. However, if you keep in mind that the end goal of nearly all scams is to get you to reveal personal or financial information, you can learn how to spot a scam and...
How to claim life insurance benefits.
Anyone who has ever lost a loved one knows that in the days that follow, even everyday tasks can be difficult to navigate. So, learning how to claim life insurance benefits, searching for documents, and filling out paperwork can all seem overwhelming. That’s why it’s...
5 fire prevention tips for small businesses.
According to U.S. Fire Administration statistics, every year there are more than 16,500 workplace fires, causing nearly a billion dollars in direct property damage. However, if you put the right safety measures in place, most fires can be prevented. Follow these fire...