We believe finding the right coverage starts with a true conversation.
Talk to a local, independent agent to get an insurance quote.
To get an insurance quote, some companies give you the option of filling out a form online. At Patriot Insurance Company, we see your insurance purchase as a true partnership. That’s why we offer our coverage through local, independent agents who are carefully selected for their in-depth knowledge and attentive service.
Your agent will spend time getting to know you and your unique needs. And over the years, they’ll help you and your policies adapt as your life changes. If you have a loss, they’ll work with us to handle your claim quickly and fairly. Because just like Patriot Insurance Company, our independent agents stand true to their word.
Getting an insurance quote: From conversation to coverage.
Step 1:
Have a true conversation.
First, find a local agent* using our search tool below. They’ll talk to you and get to know you and your insurance needs. And they’ll stand by you from then on.
Step 2:
Get a quote.
They’re called independent agents because they don’t work for just one insurance carrier. So, they can compare quotes from multiple carriers to make sure you get comprehensive coverage that fits your unique needs and your budget.
Step 3:
Choose your coverage.
With your agent’s guidance, you’ll select the policies that fit your needs best and then enroll.
Want to save money on premiums? Ask your agent about higher deductibles, semi-annual and annual pay plans, and bundling auto, home, umbrella, or life coverage to get discounts.